Itinerario tipico dei Caraibi

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Recommended itinerary for the Caribbean

Before leaving the marina, we will provide you with an in-depth briefing, complete with an overview of your yacht and information on the waters. We will provide you with a standard itinerary with all the details you will need to enjoy an unforgettable and worry-free trip (water and ice supplies, moorings, best restaurants, grocery and supply stores, musts and essentials, etc.).

Here's an example of what you might experience:

1st day:

Departure at 12 pm. Destination: The Bight, Norman Island. You will spend your first night in this magnificent bay.

2nd day:

After breakfast, perhaps an excursion to Normandy with beautiful views of the Sir Francis Drake Channel or the Caribbean Sea? After you set out to snorkel at The Caves of Treasure Point, said to be the site that inspired Robert Louis Stevenson's novel, Treasure Island. After lunch, you can set sail for the Great Harbor on Peter Island. You lower the anchor and spend the night

Upon arrival, you can swim in wCheck Insurance – Annapolis Boat Show 121arm, crystal clear waters.

3rd day:

It is “carte blanche” for the morning. You can dive with Blue Water Divers instructors, or set sail a short distance to Deadman Cove on Peter Island Bay and enjoy the magnificent white sandy beach. After lunch, head to Marina Cay, where you will spend the night. Two hours of sailing along the Sir Francis Drake Channel. Upon arrival at Marina Cay, moor up and enjoy this adorable little island. Why not dine at the Pusser restaurant?

4th day:

After a hearty breakfast, a short stop at the fuel dock. Refill water, ice, diesel and drop off the trash. You will now set sail for Virgin Gorda's Savannah Bay. Be careful, access is complicated! One of your crew should go to the bow and look for coral. Upon arrival, you won't be able to resist swimming on this spectacular beach. Picnic on the beach or under a palm tree! Long live the holidays… After lunch, set off for Gorda Sound. A beautiful afternoon on a sailing boat, where you will be enchanted by this corner of paradise inaccessible from the road.

5th day:

You leave this beautiful bay and motor to Leverick Bay, where a VSV taxi driver can pre-book for you waiting to take you on a tour of the island of Virgin Gorda. You will discover, among other things, The Baths, where huge round granite boulders stretch along the beach, forming a series of small coves ideal for snorkelling. A real Stonehenge by the sea, where you will spend many pleasant hours. Return to the boat for a quick lunch, after which you point your compass towards Guana Island, a nature reserve whose bird species include the masked booby, a graceful mostly white bird with a black mask. Drop anchor in White Bay, opposite another superb deserted beach. How about a quick swim before cocktails?

6th day:

After breakfast, make the short trip to Guana Island's Monkey Point. This is a treasure for free diving professionals. Turtles, schools of fish, superb corals. Bring your underwater camera!!! You will then set sail for Sandy Spit, a wonderful stop strictly accessible by boat. A dream island of white sand! After lunch, depart for Jost Van Dyke Island. Spend the night in Great Harbour, home to the famous Foxy's Bar, renowned for its party atmosphere. After dinner on board, you can spend the rest of the evening swaying to the island's music.

7th day:

After breakfast, we depart for White Bay. Some of your crew may choose to hike there through the mountains and others may sail there aboard the yacht. This beach enjoys an enviable reputation. Located on the south side of Jost Van Dyke Island, many consider it the most beautiful beach in the Caribbean. We recommend you stay forever! However, all good things must come to an end and you will eventually set sail for your starting point, the island of Tortola. This is always an amazing trip. Then return to Nanny Cay for your final overnight stay. If you prefer, you can spend your last night in a beautiful bay and return to Nanny Cay in the morning. Departure at 12pm